Welcome to our new site

A Remarkable Act of Generosity

Read the inspiring story of Eric Anderson and Angela Santini, who will generously donate their life’s work with their ABR Ski business to the non-profit Anderson Bluffs & River Trails Foundation. Their selfless act ensures the ski sport’s legacy for future generations to enjoy.

Final Land Donations and Building Transfers

Eric and Angela Santini are making final land donations to secure ABR’s future. The Foundation is evaluating equipment needs and will receive a PistenBully on April 1st. Buildings and land transfers are being planned to minimize disruptions while maximizing skier experience.

The Smile in the Cabin

Get to know Angela Santini, the friendly face behind ABR. Discover the woman who brings warmth and hospitality to this winter wonderland.

Foundation Land Transfer

Learn about the generous land donations that have made ABR possible and the importance of preserving these beautiful trails for future generations.

Join our community

Be the first to hear updates from the Foundation and stories about your ski community. 

Vote ABR the BEST cross country SKI Resort

Vote once daily until monday, Nov. 11th