Welcome to our new site

Strengthen ABR’s Community: Join Our Volunteer Team

The Anderson Bluffs and River Trails Foundation is excited to announce the expansion of its volunteer team in recent months. Our hardworking volunteers are actively engaged in trail and firewood maintenance. They also contribute their unique skills in areas such as graphic arts, website design, social media, mapping, newsletters, philanthropy, marketing, risk management, and cabin […]

Honor Your Trail: Foundation Legacy Project

Want to make a lasting impact on ABR? Donate to the Honor Your Trail program and help preserve the trails you love for generations to come. Your contribution will support trail maintenance and create a meaningful legacy.

The Smile in the Cabin

Get to know Angela Santini, the friendly face behind ABR. Discover the woman who brings warmth and hospitality to this winter wonderland.

Heading North for Winter, Skiing, and Friends

Discover the joy of Nordic skiing and the camaraderie of friends at ABR. Join Greg Greene as he shares his love for this winter wonderland and the unforgettable memories he’s made over the years.

Foundation Land Transfer

Learn about the generous land donations that have made ABR possible and the importance of preserving these beautiful trails for future generations.

Join our community

Be the first to hear updates from the Foundation and stories about your ski community. 

Vote ABR the BEST cross country SKI Resort

Vote once daily until monday, Nov. 11th