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Project Connect – Historic Trail Complete

The Anderson Bluffs and River Trail Foundation (ABR Trails) is pleased to announce the completion of the Historic Trail. 

ABR Trails recently completed Project Connect #8, which extends Deer Trail east to the historic site of JK Jackson Farm and then to the site of Erwin’s Historic Museum. The trail continues east through a short, wooded loop passing through ABR Founder Eric Anderson’s great-great grandfather Korkiamaki’s property. 

This extension reaffirms our commitment to serve the community. ABR Trials established Project Connect as a means to focus our community commitment as we move forward to make ABR the Midwest’s premier Nordic ski destination.

The wooded trail contains a memorial bench dedicated to Dave Anderson, co-founder of ABR, who passed away in 2022. The Anderson family connection to this trail is extremely important to Eric and the entire family and will remain a source of family pride for years to come.

The trail extension was made possible by a collaboration with the Erwin Township Historic Society. Their dedication and assistance are greatly appreciated. ABR, Inc. generously made in-kind contributions.

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