An Interview with Angela Santini of ABR
You know Angela – the one who knows your name, your kid’s names, your dog’s names, what you do, and when you were at ABR last?
Angela Santini has been working along side Eric Anderson at ABR and will be retiring after the transition to the Anderson Bluffs and River Trails Foundation. Many folks ask Angela “What will you do?” “What do you do in the summer?” ” Will you be bored?”
What’s her day like now in the winter?
- Get up bright and early: feed all the animals – horses, dog, cats
- Prep dinner
- Make sure all the buildings are ready for skiers
- 9 am – 4 pm in the ski shop (every day)
- Maybe have a lunch break
- Light the sauna
- In the evening do household things, feed the animals, clean the barn, answer phone messages
- Business things – reorder, reservations, etc, Eat dinner, go to sleep!